-o- comb. f. 〔构成复合词〕本来只用于来自希腊语复合词,现在广泛用于科学术语(等)上;用法: 1.第一要素修饰第二要素:Franco-British. 2.第一第二要素为同位:Russo-Japanese war. 3.构成带有 -cracy, -logy, -meter 等希腊系词尾的衍生词 technocracy, technology, speedometer.
o a round O 圆。 int. 〔常用大写字母〕哦! 哟!…啊!唉!哎呀〔表示惊讶、恐怖、赞叹、愿望等〕。 O for a rest! 唉!休息休息才好! O Life! 啊,生活! O! Mr. John! 唷,原来是约翰先生。 O dear (me)! 哎呀!哎唷! O that ...〔诗〕但愿…!
Today s exercise scenario was a helicopter crash at tung o wan on lamma island 今日演习的模拟场景是一架直升机于南丫岛东澳湾坠毁。
The event was organised by the civil aviation department and took place at tung o wan of lamma island 该处发言人说:这项示范是一年一度举行之搜救演习的一部分。
The civil aviation department successfully conducted a search and rescue exercise ( sarex ) today ( august 22 ) at tung o wan on lamma island 民航处每年一度的搜索及救援演习,今日(八月二十二日)于南丫岛东澳湾顺利举行。
Today s exercise involved a joint mountain rescue demonstration by the government flying service ( gfs ) and the civil aid service ( cas ) at the hillside of tung o wan , followed by a deck winching demonstration of a simulated survivor by a eurocopter super puma as332 l2 helicopter from gfs 今日的演习包括由政府飞行服务队和民众安全服务处联合于东澳湾山边进行拯救,并由政府飞行服务队派出超级美洲豹as332l2型直升机示范在甲板吊救模拟伤者,消防处的潜水队伍随即示范海上搜救。